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Ein Grammophon in einem Schloss, beim Dinner of Decadence Workshop
Maske Isenmann.png

Dinner of

theatre and creation workshop

playful dinner and ball

3 days on a magical castle


Find your inner fool and take her to dinner...

The Dinner of Decadence invites you to explore the mystical creature deep within you and take her to a fantastical, playful dinner and a magical, sensual celebration.

In this theatre- and creation workshop we will develop a character using different theatre techniques. Together we will go on a journey and play, move, explore and shapeshift to find the inner creature that longs to show itself. Surrounded by the wonderful Schönow castle we will use our poetic body to discover the inner animal, the goddess, the archetype and invite her to come out and play. In this magical, inspiring and save environment we will then invite our new born characters to the Dinner of Decadence - a dinner, a mask ball and a celebration of life and playfulness.

Let the play beginn!

The Workshop

Different physical theatre practices such as embodyment, Clown, animal work, character development and voice and movement improvisation will help us to explore the new character. Together we will find his or her voice, her breath, her name, her form, her story... then we will add costumes, masks and make up to let our new born creatures shine!

The Dinner of Decadence

In the evening our crowd of dukes, werewolfs and witches, the king of the crows, the lonely wild princess and her one eyed centaur will all be invited to the Dinner of Decadence. We will have a big and playful dinner together in character.  

The lines between theatre, performance, party, game and life might dissolve...

The improvised live performance experience will be open to invited guests and will also be filmed professionally. After the dinner in character there will be a little fantastical feast in the castle open for more wonderful creatures to join and play.


Her mit dem schönen Leben, für alle und zwar sofort!

Dinner of Decadence connects theatre, art, play, imagination, creation, learning, community, break out and collective ecstasy with pure and full life in a unique way. Our desire for a better, peaceful and more playful world will be expressed in the most beautiful colours for a few days. May the creative celebration, the poetic action and play sink through the castle's walls and pour into the daily life! The principles of the Bureau for transgression of reality (overcome reality through theatre, play and multisensual spectacle) will be followed.

We want to create an atmosphere in which everyone can experiment, play, express themselves and spread out the wings freely and without any judgement. Lets share our visions involving our fully alive bodies.

Obviously there is no space for hate, violence, racism, homophobia and other uselessness.

The castle

The castle Schloss Schönow offers you a full immersion into a fictional, fantastical world and a moment for reflecting and creating far away from conventional spaces. It also offers a save and intimate space to experience the universe of play. Between the castle's walls there are a million stories hiding, just waiting to be told.

more Info:

in cooperation with

Jana Gebhard, Alice Vigni


Schloss Schönow

and the

Büro zur Überwindung zur Realität

more infos and application



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